Why IT Cluj ?

IT Cluj:  Reasons for IT outsourcing

IT Cluj community is a resourceful spot on the global software development and outsourcing map. Not only  IT Cluj did enroll in the IT revolution, but  IT Cluj actively promotes innovation in service delivery and business models for the IT&C industry. For the  IT Cluj recognition as Romania’s “technopolis”, one living proof is the number and type of international companies operating in the city.

Top 5 reasons for outsourcing IT Services and software development in Cluj are:

  1. 1. IT Cluj Location
  2. 2. IT Cluj as a BPO Hub
  3. 3. IT Cluj Skills
  4. 4. IT Cluj People
  5. 5. IT Cluj Costs

1.IT Cluj Location

IT Cluj community is situated in Cluj-Napoca, the fourth most populous city in Romania, the seat of Cluj County and unofficially considered the capital of the historical province: Transylvania.  IT Cluj geographical location may be outlined through the following:

  • IT Cluj is built around the largest university in the country, Babes-Bolyai University and one of the leading Technical Universities in the country – Cluj Technical University;
  • Annually, IT Cluj provides over 600 IT&C graduates;
  • IT Cluj community emerges from a mixed cultural pot formed by the woven ethnics: Romanians, Hungarians, Germans and Serbs.
  • IT Cluj is accessible by car – via European highroads, and by plane – via the international airport of Cluj; The list of direct flight from the Cluj international airport is constantly expanding, currently including London, Budapest, Barcelona, Madrid, Alicante, Zaragoza, Vienna, Dortmund, Frankfurt, Stuttgart, Munich, Pisa, Rome, Treviso.
  • IT Cluj community is part of the large European community, therefore habits and behavior similarities enhance its’ competitive advantage.


2. IT Cluj as a BPO Hub

Secondly, IT Cluj has become in the past 5 years a BPO (Business Process Outsourcing) center for various industries and companies. We estimate a level of av. 3000 people that is currently involved in various BPO activities. IT Cluj hosts BPO companies from diverse countries: Germany, USA, Netherlands, France, Finland, Denmark, Australia, and India. If the heavy weight outsourcers are located in Bucharest, IT Cluj  favors the outsourcers that are looking for more effectiveness and loyalty from their employees.

3. IT Cluj Skills

IT Cluj community provides well prepared human resources across all functional levels and able to work in multilingual context. Both hard skills and soft skills are appreciated by the international employers. Nevertheless IT Cluj community delivered during the last 4 years a few notable names in Deloitte Central Europe Technology Fast 50 Top.
4. IT Cluj People

The strongest point of  IT Cluj community lies within the people. Compared to other regions in Romania, IT Cluj distinguishes by:

  1. 1. Work Ethics: IT Cluj specialists possess a powerful sense of professional deontology.  Being fair-play, open to communicate issues and find solutions is a frequently met characteristic. The given word and the agreed confidentiality are at home in Cluj.
  2. 2. Work Attitude: positive and energetic, IT Cluj professionals usually approach their work with respect and solicitude; there are lower fluctuation rates than in the capital, people are inclined to build, develop and grow within the companies they are working for.
  3. 3. Communication: Bearing the mark of a multiethnic environment, IT Cluj professionals are mostly born bilingual; they are used to work in multicultural and multilingual context, additionally the German culture had a profound impact on this region way of thinking. That’s why the main investor in the city is Germany.
  4. 4. Reliability: as other communities in Romania, IT Cluj may proud itself with a consistent verbal and written decision making. Agreements are respected and they govern the mutual relationship between two parties.
  5. 5. Talent: As some local companies which developed own products and solutions for the global market may prove it, talent yeasts in this labor pool, it just needs to be discovered and put to work!


5. IT Cluj Costs

Different from the general Romanian landscape, IT Cluj provides more value for the same amount of money.  There is in stake both the available work force in numbers and the motivation of people to be part of the “success story”.  IT Cluj community goes for the long run well being and is dedicated to attract companies and investors willing to invest in research and innovation.  Costs will no longer be a constraint but leverage:

  • Administrative costs are lower than in other European regions and even than those in the country capital;
  • Labor costs are low compared to the general European level, but differ according to the proficiency level of the software engineers
  • Management costs provide better value than those in the capital;


To sum up, these are the main reasons some would choose  IT Cluj as their software development and research center. There are also other perspectives that IT Cluj offers and may favor its development into a new star on the world’s IT&C skies.

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